Compatibility Conduct

Furniture models, much like cars in addition to televisions, make not stay consistent over time. With changing times come up changing models. This is the example with IKEA kitchen systems, which were updated inside the final decade. 

If y'all have an onetime IKEA kitchen system as well as postulate the cabinet door replaced, you lot are non facing a full kitchen re-make. Although dimensions vary across the different versions, replacement doors can be institute and installed. Even if the replacements aren’t the perfect size, modifications can be successfully made.

For the near part, the new IKEA kitchen cabinet doors are not compatible alongside the sometime organization cabinets because of the size differences. There are some exceptions too at that place are roughly ways to modify the doors until they are more than compatible. The drill blueprint alter makes no deviation.

Old IKEA Kitchen System

Rather than making slow transitions inward how their kitchen systems are laid out, IKEA made an official transition from their sometime kitchen organization, AKURUM, to their novel kitchen arrangement, SEKTION, on February 2, 2015. 

There isn’t anything inherently wrong alongside the AKURUM kitchen organization. However, depending on when you purchased the AKURUM item, the warranty volition differ from a SEKTION detail. 

To say the difference between an AKURUM as well as a SEKTION particular, expect at the holes on the within of the cabinet. 

AKURUM cabinets have a unmarried row of holes most the outside of the cabinet together with SEKTION cabinets accept a double row of holes about the outside. 

Akurum cabinet and Sektion cabinet hole details of IKEA

Comparing Dimensions Between Old and New Doors

Base Cabinet Doors

CabinetOld Door Height (inches)New Door Height (inches)Old Door Width (inches)New Door Width (inches)
1 door, one drawer unit24twentyfifteen, eighteen, too 21xv, 18, too 24
ii door, i drawer unit24twenty12fifteen too eighteen
2 door, ii drawer unit of measurement24xxfifteen together with 18xv and xviii
ii door, 1 drawer sink unit of measurement24twenty12 as well as 15eighteen
ii door, 2 drawer sink unit of measurement24twentyeighteenxviii
Hinge-door corner unit of measurementthirty34½xviii½19
1 door corner unit of measurementthirtythirty24½23½
1 door unit303012, fifteen, xviii, and 21fifteen, 18, 21, and 24
two door unitthirtyxxx12, 15, too xviii12, 15, and xviii

Wall Cabinet Doors

CabinetOld Door Height (inches)New Door Height (inches)Old Door Width (inches)New Door Width (inches)
one door unit30⅜ twenty, 30, and forty12, 15, 18, and 2112, xv, xviii, 21, too 24
ii door unitxxx⅜ and 39⅛15, twenty, 30, too xl12, xv, as well as eighteen12, fifteen, in addition to eighteen
ane door corner unitxxx⅜ and 39⅛xxx or 4012½thirteen
i door glass door unit of measurementthirty⅜ and 39⅛xxx or xlxv, eighteen, thirty, as well as 36fifteen or 18
two door drinking glass door unitthirty⅜ and 39⅛30 or twoscore15, xviii, thirty, and 3615
Sliding door unitxxx⅜ together with 39⅛30 or 4036 together with 48xv
Fan/refrigerator unitfifteen¼xvxv in addition to eighteenxv as well as xviii
Small i door unit of measurement17¾15 and xx24xxx as well as 36
Small two door unit24xv in addition to 202415 together with xviii
Microwave 1 door unit30⅜ too 39⅛northward/A*24 as well as xxxdue north/A
Microwave 2 door unitxxx⅜ and 39⅛N/A12 too 15N/A
Horizontal unit1515thirty⅜ too 39⅛24
*Note that a measuring marked due north/A way that this model is not available inwards the specified version

High Cabinet Door

CabinetOld Door Height (inches)New Door Height (inches)Old Door Width (inches)New Door Width (inches)
Top/bottom two door pantry unit (pick 1)fifteen (acme) as well as 64 (bottom)xvi (summit) and 64 (bottom)xv too 2415, 18, together with 24
Top/bottom ii door pantry unit of measurement (option ii)24 (meridian) in addition to 64 (bottom)26 (elevation) and 64 (bottom)fifteen together with 2424
Glass door ane door pantry unit of measurement79due north/A*xvN/A
Glass door two door pantry unit of measurement79N/A24 and thirtynorth/A
Top/bottom 3 door pantry unit of measurement24 (summit) too 64 (bottom)N/A24N/A
Top/bottom 2 door amongst pull-out unitfifteen (meridian) together with 64 (bottom)sixteen (peak) too 64 (bottom)2424
Top/bottom iii door amongst pull-out unit24 (superlative) together with 64 (bottom)northward/A24north/A
Top/bottom iv door pantry unit (choice i)xv (peak) and 64 (bottom)16 (pinnacle) as well as 64 (bottom)thirtyxxx
Top/bottom iv door pantry unit (pick 2)24 (meridian) in addition to 64 (bottom)26 (tiptop) together with 64 (bottom)xxx30
ii door ii drawer pantry unit64fifty in addition to 60thirtythirty
Top/bottom 4 door oven unit15 (peak) and 24 (bottom)xvi (tiptop) together with 24 (bottom)xxxxxx
Top ii door oven unitfifteen as well as 24xx30xxx
Top/bottom two door, 2 drawer oven unit fifteen (height) too 24 (botttom)32xxx30
Top/bottom 2 door, one drawer oven unit of measurementfifteen (pinnacle) too 24 (bottom)20thirty30
*Note that a mensuration marked northward/A agency that this model is non available inward the specified version

Are the Doors Compatible?

As the tables to a higher place present, the heights too widths vary widely betwixt AKURUM and SEKTION items, giving them lots of variety. The consequence is that there are solely a few perfect matches or well-nigh-perfect matches. 

The doors of the wall cabinets of the two sets are closer inwards size than those of the base of operations cabinets too high cabinets, which are more than hard to check. 

One of the reasons for this is virtually probable the changing trends over the years. It seems that base cabinets have been shrinking inward size spell high cabinets take been growing in size. 

This could live happening because larger base cabinets are not needed if people prefer higher storage infinite (I know that I for sure make). Ceiling tiptop might besides live increasing together with high cabinet height could be growing with it. 

To evaluate how compatible the doors are, nosotros must decide how much leeway volition live given for door compatibility, then permit’second tell that door dimensions within a half inch of each other volition hateful proficient compatibility (although this may not go in all cases).

Door dimensions that differ more than a one-half inch tin create about problems.

Problems if Doors Are Not Compatible

If the door is also pocket-size, a large gap can live aesthetically displeasing

A large gap can too allow dust too bugs to easily access the within of the kitchen cabinets. This is particularly a business since kitchen cabinets incorporate nutrient in addition to dishes, both of which, when covered in dust or bugs, tin live pretty gross to consume or swallow amongst. 

If the door is also big, the assembly of the kitchen cabinets can try out hard.

Large gap in the cupboards or cabinets doors allowing dust and bugs to enter

Too much overlap tin hateful cabinets not plumbing equipment correctly or non closing properly. This is specially true for double-door cabinets. If the ii doors are also large, they will not shut properly too will overlap where they encounter. 

However, in that location is roughly leeway alongside single-door cabinets since in that location is no other door to run into. Instead, the door mightiness but extend past its intended place. As long equally it’sec non sticking out by the cabinet itself, at that place’s nil incorrect amongst this.

Another matter I should bill is that the new reach of kitchen cabinets does not include a few of the old range cabinets. It is prophylactic to assume that this is because these styles are less pop. 

Either this or styles, such every bit drinking glass cabinets too cabinets including microwaves, are also hard for IKEA to industry. 

Additionally, although they are more than compatible, rattling few of the high cabinet doors really have suitable replacements in the novel reach of doors. 

The new IKEA kitchen system focused on revamping the high cabinet doors then that at that place was less of a range inward blueprint, which made manufacturing easier. This would account for the lack of compatibility. 

Below are the tables showing which novel doors tin as well as cannot be used on the quondam cabinets.

Base Cabinet Doors

CabinetCompatible Door(second)Notes
i door, i drawer unit-*No doors available that are inside a one-half inch of 24 inches
2 door, ane drawer unit of measurement(come across in a higher place)
ii door, ii drawer unit(run across in a higher place)
ii door, one drawer sink unit of measurement(come across in a higher place)
2 door, two drawer sink unit(come across above)
Hinge-door corner unit of measurementVEDDINGE, HAVSTORP
one door corner unit of measurement(meet in a higher place)
i door unit of measurementVEDDINGE, HAVSTORP
*Note that a “-” way that there is not a suitable door inward the novel range

Wall Cabinet Doors

CabinetCompatible Door(sec)Notes
one door unit of measurementAXSTAD, ENKOPING, VOXTORP, ASKERSUND
1 door corner unit of measurementAXSTAD, VEDHAMN
i door drinking glass door unitAXSTAD, VEDHAMN, ENKOPING, VOXTORP, ASKERSUND
Sliding door unit of measurement-*There doesn’t seem to live replacement sliding doors available
Fan/refrigerator unit of measurementASKERSUN, RINGHOLT, BODBYN
Small ane door unitThe nearest is 20” inward height (more than a two” difference) 
Small ii door unitNearest is 20×24 (more than a ii” divergence)
Microwave i door unit of measurementN/A**No microwave units available inwards novel range
Microwave two door unitnorth/A(encounter higher up)
Horizontal unit of measurementNearest is 20×24 (more than than a 2” difference)
*Note that a “-” means that at that place is not a suitable door in the novel reach
**Note that a mensuration marked northward/A means that this model is not available inwards the specified version

High Cabinet Door

CabinetCompatible Door(s)Notes
Top/bottom ii door pantry unit (choice 1)AXSTAD, ENKOPINGNo doors compatible alongside bottom door (closest is lx”)
Top/bottom 2 door pantry unit of measurement (choice two)Closest to summit door is 24×xx, closest to bottom is 24×threescore
Glass door one door pantry unitN/ANo drinking glass door pantry units inward this novel reach
Glass door two door pantry unitdue north/A(run into above)
Top/bottom 3 door pantry unitnorthward/AThis particular pantry is not available in this novel reach
Top/bottom two door alongside pull-out unit of measurementClosest to the tiptop is fifteen×xx and closest to bottom is 24×sixty
Top/bottom iii door alongside force-out unit of measurementnorth/AThis particular pantry is not available inward this new range
Top/bottom 4 door pantry unit (option ane)In this novel reach, there are no doors wider than 24”
Top/bottom 4 door pantry unit (pick ii)(see to a higher place)
ii door two drawer pantry unit(meet in a higher place)
Top/bottom 4 door oven unit(come across above)
Top 2 door oven unit of measurement(meet above)
Top/bottom 2 door, ii drawer oven unit of measurement (run into in a higher place)
Top/bottom 2 door, one drawer oven unit of measurement(encounter to a higher place)
*Note that a “-” agency that there is non a suitable door inwards the novel reach
**Note that a mensuration marked north/A means that this model is non available in the specified version

Comparing Drill Patterns Between Old and New Doors

The drill patterns are function of what distinguishes the onetime in addition to new doors from each other. 

The holes inwards the blueprint are meant to be helpful guidelines of where to install screws simply they make not boundary where you tin install screws. Because of the nature of the wooden cloth, screws tin can live installed practically anywhere you’d similar.

Man drilling screws on the side of the cabinet

So, why modify the pattern? Well, each hole stabilizes the screw while it spins, whether you are installing it alongside a screwdriver or a drill. 

Without this hole, the screw tin can skid too slide, making installation more difficult. They too forestall the splitting of the woods as the screw is placed.

The new doors almost likely accept the drill pattern that they make because that drill pattern was institute to live the about secure for the shelves or other components inside. Making certain their products are well-priced merely durable is a trademark of IKEA. 

To core this upwards, whether yous accept an sometime or a novel drilling pattern, screws can live installed wherever the consumer pleases and then the alter is not very important as well as does not affect the assembly much. 

How to Make New Doors Work

Unfortunately, many erstwhile IKEA kitchen organisation doors make not accept compatible novel system doors. 

Because of this, consumers may have to purchase a door that is also pocket-sized or besides large too make do.

If the door dimensions are an inch or less unlike, it is unlikely that the difference will impact the door fitting really much. 

However, if the door dimensions are an inch or more off, problems amongst plumbing fixtures as well as aesthetics tin can arise. 

For a door that is likewise large, the door could possibly live cutting to size. 

There tin be a few problems alongside this since the door will lack certain details inward appearance since a painted too rounded border will be removed. 

However, if this is the only choice, sanding too repainting the door can meliorate its appearance. 

Before the door is cut, it is important to measure out twice and cutting one time since cut the door as well much tin produce the opposite problem.

On cutting a kitchen door that is too large

For doors that accept a pattern on the front, don’t just have from the one side. Cut off even portions from either side and so that it doesn’t expect lopsided.

For a door that is likewise small, the options are a flake more limited. 

Regular doors, rather than kitchen cabinet doors, tin can purpose metal devices called door expanders that allow doors to fit ameliorate into the frames. 

Kitchen cabinet doors are non fitted for door expanders, simply if you lot accept the tools to shape metallic into the expander yous demand, this could be the solution for y'all.

Sources cat/sektion-kitchen-cabinets-system-23598/


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